

Upon completing the Doctor of Medicine degree, students will be able to:

▼   Patient Care

COM PC1: Collect necessary patient information through history-taking, physical examination, and the use of diagnostics.

COM PC2: Formulate differential diagnosis based on accurate problem presentation and illness scripts

COM PC3: Recognize indications for medical, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures.

COM PC4: Perform required clinical procedures.

COM PC5: Construct treatment plans incorporating sound clinical reasoning, patient preferences, scientific evidence, and patient safety.

COM PC6: Formulate appropriate, effective, compassionate, and holistic patient-centered care for prevention of disease and promotion of health, via a shared decision making process.

▼   Medical Knowledge

COM MK1: Demonstrate their knowledge of normal structure and function of organ systems in the human body across the lifespan at multiple levels (molecular, cellular, tissue, macroscopic, and the patient).

COM MK2: Identify and interpret pathogenic mechanisms, epidemiologic bases and clinical presentations of disorders in patients.

COM MK3: Identify indications, contraindications, and cost-effectiveness of common diagnostic and laboratory procedures.

COM MK4: Formulate appropriate non-pharmacological and pharmacological plans for prevention and management of disease in patients.

COM MK5: Apply scientific principle, interpretation, reliability, and validity of common diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in management of patients.

COM MK6: Recognize ethical, cultural, economic, social, and behavioral determinants of health and explain how these factors impact patient outcomes.

COM MK7: Employ the tenets of scientific research and analytical thinking skills required to critically appraise scholarly literature and select credible resources in the practice of evidence-based medicine.

▼   Interpersonal and Communication Skills

COM ICS1: Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate with patients and their appropriate caregivers in order to accurately collect a history, convey treatment options, discuss counseling, and deliver education to all patient populations in all settings free of bias.

COM ICS2: Integrate within a team and work collaboratively, effectively and respectfully with all team members, staff, patients, and caregivers.

COM ICS3: Document appropriate, timely, and complete patient encounters to facilitate the exchange of health information.

COM ICS4: Demonstrate the communication skills necessary to gain patient participation in shared decision-making and plan of care.

▼   Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

COM PBLI1: Identify strengths, deficiencies, and limits in one’s knowledge and expertise.

COM PBLI2: Perform learning activities that address one’s gaps in knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes.

COM PBLI3: Demonstrate literacy with evidence-based resources to maintain competency as a lifelong learner.

COM PBLI4: Set learning and improvement goals for continuous professional development.

COM PBLI5: Describe strategies to promote wellness and develop resilience in physicians.

▼   Professionalism

COM P1: Demonstrate the highest of ethical standards in the practice of medicine including, but not limited to: honesty, integrity, respect, compassion, and empathy for all patients and caregivers.

COM P2: Demonstrate awareness, respect, sensitivity, accountability, and advocacy for the diverse needs of all patients and caregivers.

COM P3: Demonstrate accountability to society and profession including punctuality, timely completion of assignments, level of engagement, and responsiveness to feedback.

▼   Systems-Based Practice

COM SBP1: Describe the structure of healthcare systems and payment models and how they impact delivery and equity of care to patients, populations, and communities.

COM SBP2: Participate in systematic approaches to promote patient safety.

COM SBP3: Participate in systematic approaches to improve the quality and value of care provided to patients, populations, and communities.

COM SBP4: Work in interprofessional teams to coordinate patient care within and across healthcare systems including transitions of care.


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