Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Symposium

The Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Symposium is a two-day program designed for Chief and Administrator level personnel charged with disaster response and/or preparedness for their organizations. Nationally and Internationally recognized speakers representing emergency preparedness practitioners, professional, leaders and consultants, provide current and best practices based on real-events and experiences. 

The 2022 session focused on administrative and management issues facing healthcare facilities during disasters and provided a platform for knowledge exchange, reinforcement of lessons learned, and a sharing of regulatory updates specifically related to emergency/ disaster management issues identified from previous disaster responses.

The symposium is an annual event and invitations will be extended each year to eligible participants.  Updates will be added to this page as plans for the upcoming symposium is planned.  To find out more details, please contact our office. 

Testimonials: What our attendees are saying about the Symposium

  • “All of the information was extremely valuable.  This has helped me and my hospital think about and review our current plan to implement additional elements.”
  • “Timely, relevant, professionally presented by real subject matter experts.”
  • “Great conference!!  Awesome speakers and topics that are insightful and helpful in learning all aspects of Emergency Management/Preparedness.”
  • “Superb conference.  I’ve been several years in a row and this year may have been the best ever.  Please continue to host this.”
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